After removing the case from the packagaing, you can see what gives this case a very unique look. The drive bays are hidden behind a translucent door which is opened simply by pressing in and releasing. This is nice because it holds the door shut, and doesn't inadvertently swing open while you're moving the case around.

On the very top of the case, Raidmax has included an LCD that provides you three temperature readings and fan control. This device also includes a big power button, a tiny red reset button, and a hard drive activity indicator. Other than this LCD device, there are no other LEDs on the front of the case. On the very top of the case, you can see the USB 2.0 and headphone/microphone jacks.

Popping the door open, you will find five (5) 5.25" drive bays, and two (2) 3.5" drive bays. Nothing too spectacular, everything is done to match the color scheme of the case.

At the bottom of the front bezel, there are two speakers hidden behind metal mesh. This is where the first issue was found... Be careful of the corners of the metal mesh, they were pretty sharp on the rveiew sample. With Raidmax's reputation, I would hope this is an isolated incident, but keep it in mind. It's hard to tell in this picture, but the little V piece in the center is actually chrome color, not the black that it appears to be.

Here is a full view of the top of the case. As you can see here, it is rounded and has a little twin flair at the very back. This is a very slick looking case. If you look at the area around the USB 2.0 ports, you can see the true color of this case. It's not a solid black, but rather a metallic black, like you would see on a car. This doesn't detract from the color, rather it enhances it and gives a little extra shine.
