Jing Ting Chipforce JTS-0006 Chipset Cooler
The Basics (continued):
The base of the cooler is protected by a heavy piece of plastic. Removing the protective plastic you can see the cooler is smooth, with one little flaw. Once again it seems the drilling has slipped a little. It's not very big, and shouldn't touch the die.

While not a true indicator of the cooling properties, I have seen it insisted that a mirror finish will provide better heat transfer. Here you can see the reflective properties of the base. As you can see it has a highly reflective surface, however it is not a true mirror surface.

Taking the base apart you can see the bottom portion is solid copper. There is also a trench where you will want to apply a small amount of thermal paste prior to installation.

All accessories necessary for a complete install are included. Unlike the previous version that did not include installation instructions, they have now included a very detailed instruction sheet that includes pictures of each step. The other items include a foam spacer, white thermal paste, and an allen wrench. For the support mounts they have included enough mount hardware so that I will have extra on hand.
