Icy Dock MB122SKGF-1B and MB722SKGF-B Drive Enclosures
The Icy Dock MB122 enclosure box has a lot of high quality color photos and a list of the basic features on the front, with detailed LCD display and LED information on the back. It shows both the LCD and LED versions of the MB122 along with the black and white faces.

The Icy Dock MB722 enclosure package is a bit larger than the MB122; about one inch taller and two inches wider. This box also has high quality photos but not as many as the MB122. The photo of the MB722 has a limited edition faceplate which is interchangeable with other compatible enclosures. The front and back key in on the features with photos and a list of the specifications.

The MB122 is just bubble wrapped, while the MB722 is contained in a plastic bag and Styrofoam to buffer the ends of the enclosure.

The installation guide pamphlet for the MB122 lays out the enclosure and explains the features with some diagrams of the front and rear of the enclosure, the LCD symbols, the key-lock, and installation notes.

The installation guide for the MB722 covers about the same as the MB122 with a little more color.
