Installation & Operation:
We will skip over the bulk of the installation, but we will focus on a few areas of interest on the Armor Junior.
In the images below we have the 3.5" drive cage removed from the case. Just one screw and a slotted track hold it in the case, and it is surprisingly secure once installed. The below right image shows a drive being installed into one of the slots. You can see the rubber grommets in each screw hole, and if you look closely in the upper left corner you can see one of the special screws required for installation. Although I would prefer to use standard hardware, Thermaltake has provided enough of these extended drive mounting screws to secure a drive in every bay... just don't lose any of them, or you may find yourself struggling to improvise.

The next set of images shows the process of preparing the case for optical drives. As described earlier, you need to remove a few screws to remove the mesh front panels and metal backing plates to open up each bay, but with that initial task completed the installation is tool-less.

The image below defines the use of the mysterious clear plastic tabs I mentioned earlier. Unfortunately, I assumed I didn't need to read the manual for a case prior to installation, and only learned what these were for after I had my system assembled! Grrr! Because the case is ATX/BTX, there are raised areas in the motherboard tray that could contact your motherboard and cause a short. Well, that is exactly what happened in my installation, and my system would not power up. With the plastic tabs installed as shown below, the system worked properly. Lesson learned, read the manual!

If you can't see where the tabs are installed, I'll try to describe where to look. The larger tab is installed centered at the bottom of the image below. Look for a faint outline spanning the two sets of parallel brackets in this area. The other two tabs are located up near where the 3.5" drive cage goes, covering two mounting holes. These two tabs are actually out of the reach of the motherboard, so it was obviously the first area that caused the short.
Just for reference, the Armor Junior is shown next to the full size Armor. Although the picture shows it isn't all that much smaller, my experience in assembling a system inside tells me that just a few inches on the height and depth make a huge difference!
