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Win a Kingston MobileLite Wireless G2 w/ 32GB Mobility Kit

NFL Week Ten

This week's prize is sponsored by Kingston... the world’s independent memory leader!

Up for grabs is a Kingston MobileLite Wireless G2 w/ 32GB mobility kit... The Mobilelite Wireless G2 can be seen on the Kingston website, at, and in the review.

MobileLite Wireless G2 lets you add more storage while freeing up your smartphone or other mobile device by letting you offload content to a Flash card or USB drive. It's a card reader, media streamer, backup battery charger and portable router that's ideal for iPhone and Android devices. It creates its own Wi-Fi signal and allows you to stream several movies to different devices. Its built-in Lithium-ion rechargeable battery lets you charge your smartphone up to 2 times from a full battery.


» 5 points per game for picking the winner
» 5 extra points (10 total) per game for picking the exact score

The winner of the contest is determined by which ever entrant has the most points at the end of all games this week. If the contest should end in a tie based on points alone, the tie breaker will be determined by which entrant has the lowest point differential. The point differential takes the absolute value of the difference between the actual score and your predicted score for each game, and adds them all together.


1. You have until kick off of each game to make your picks, once a game starts you will not be able to change your pick.
2. To play you must be a registered member of the forum.
3. One winner will be chosen based on the final score of the contest.
4. At the end of the contest, the winner must provide their shipping address, and the prize will ship out right away.
5. This contest is open to participants in the USA and Canada only, and shipping is included.
6. Rules subject to change.


1. Your picks aren't set in stone until game time. You can edit your predictions for any particular game as often as you want right up to kick off.
2. Once games have started, you can see your predictions and how they compare to actual results by clicking your name as listed on the main page of the game.
3. The main page of the game shows cumulative season stats, which have no bearing on winning the prize for any given week. Just ignore them! To see weekly scores - click here - and scroll to the current week.
4. All games for the entire 2014 season are entered into the database already. The way it will work is that the application will feed out games one week before they are to be played. So, for example, on any Sunday you can already start picking the games for the following Sunday. But, if you do that you have to remember to come back to pick the following Monday game, since that won't be fed out until game time on Monday.
5. Winners have two weeks to claim their prize - otherwise it will be forfeit.

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