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View Single Post  Topic: Apple iPod Nano 2GB MP3 Player 
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Rated PG

PostPosted: Thu, 18 May 2006 17:34:05    Post Subject: Reply with quote

[quote="Dr. EvilCheeze"]Towle, what is your point? It is just to make yourself feel better? Honestly, I'm not the one with the ego issues.

I gave my honest evaluation of the product. I did not do a review on accessories, or 3rd party software. I did it on the Nano. Plain as that. All of my statements are 100% correct. Your "Yamipod" software is nothing but a freeware beta software that comes from an untrusted source. Therefore, will never be installed on any PC I own. Personally I don't like backdoors, spyware, and other malware that comes too often with this type of software.

You reviewed the Ipod Nano and the software that came with it but made erroneous statements that this is the "ONLY" software that can be used with it. You just don't get it and refuse to admit your wrongs. It might be "honest" but it is still incomplete and flawed.

Are you insinuating that "YamiPod" has some sort of malware or spyware or are you just generalising? You haven't even reviewed the software so how would you know? Unless it is a fact you shouldn't go pointing fingers. You are just digging a deeper hole for yourself. I am sure the developers of Yamipod would like to know what you think of their program they are developing. If you knew anything about software development , which by the sound of it you don't, then you would know that all software starts out as a beta at some stage , otherwise how can any bugs be ironed out? It's up to us users out there to support "beta" software and help the community. Something that you refuse to do by your own statement and ignorance you have demonstrated.

If you are so sparky about it, feel free to write it up and submit it. If you can actually write semi-intelligent, make honest conclusions, and have some real world experiences to back up your conclusions we might just publish the article.

I have given your readers the link to the YamiPod website. They can be free to download this "beta" software (new release just out) and test it for themselves.

Also feel free to "discuss" the review, however most intelligent people I have met tend not to try and attack something they may not agree upon as you have done from the start. There is an old saying... "You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar".

I am not attacking, I am pointing our your article is flawed. I am providing evidence refuting your statements. Haven't you ever seen a debate before? There is difference, you just can't see it as you are blinded by your own estimate of your self worth. If only positive comments are allowed on "Big Bruin" then I would have to say this website does not provide a balanced viewpoint for their readers and would lack any integrity in disallowing their readers to express their points of view and opinions.

So with that being all said... feel free to submit your views in a review format, and if it cuts the mustard I'm sure we'll happily post it. If not, please use to go find yourself another happy corner of the Internet.

So you can't debate your review except to say it is 100% correct so you want me to go away? I don't think so
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