BeerCheeze Rated XXX
Posted: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 11:14:18 Post Subject: |
All VoIP has 911... but... Think about this...
1) Internet traffic is under no law to ever... EVER do anything. Including... work.
2) The internet was not designed for voice, let alone handle time sensitive, life or death traffic.
3) If something happens, such as misconfiguration, equipment failure, hurricane, etc on your Internet line (including being disconnected by your ISP) you will get service when ever it get's handled. If your voice line goes does down, the telco's are under legal requirements to get it back up. And if your service is disconnected, you can still dial 911 (even if you don't have dial tone).
4) When you call 911 from any VoIP line, there is no guarantee that the information attached to it is correct. Your landline is all but guaranteed to be correct (over 99.99% accurate).
5) VoIP 911 is.... less than reliable.
I can't tell you all the details, but trust me I do, because of my job.
Dial 911 in this order:
1) Landline - MOST Reliable buy a WIDE margin.
2) Cell - In the right area, they will know where you are with in feet... in the wrong area, they will know you are some place in a mile or so radius.
3) 2 Can's and a String - At least the person who's on the other end knows where you are... they might not be able to do anything, but hey... at least they know where you are.
4) Carrier Pigeon - They can put a tracker on it and let it fly home... there they will find you and be able to give you a burial with a head stone that at least has your name on it.
5) VoIP - Well... it might work.. or not. But hey... it's just possibly life or death. And well... you know Joey down the street had to download 500GB of p0rn to fill up his new hard drive, so I'm sure your 911 traffic will have all the priority of his traffic... or maybe not. Lets also sure as heck hope Mr. Olexei Batusanschi (made up name in case your wondering) isn't in the middle of a DDoS attack at the same time your calling 911 because your child just fell and cracked their head open.
Nothing wrong with using VoIP or Skype (I use both), but NEVER EVER give up your landline. |