Here's a more reasonable build. It doesn't include a monitor or after market cpu HSF because I'm not sure which ones fit. Hopefully someone on here can recommend one. If you needed to free up some cash for a monitor, you could lose the velociraptor drive or WD Caviar drive if you don't need the extra space. You could also go with an HD4870 and save a couple more $$$ Going with an older intel 775 board and quad would probably save you about $250 and going with an AMD Phenom II would probably save you another $50 or more on top of that. Either of these less expensive systems would make very good gaming computers, but the Intel Socket 775 will have limited cpu upgradability in the near future and since this is a new build you should try to go with the Core i7 LGA 1366 or Phenom II and socket AM3 board.
Comes out to $1470 not including shipping. With a bit of research you may be able to find some of these items for less on other sites. I used the egg because I find it easy to navigate their site. _________________