acruxksa Rated XXX

Posted: Sun, 01 Jun 2008 03:23:10 Post Subject: |
Spire wrote: | Funny, I just forklifted one of these Winchester 12/24 Gun Safes up onto the third story of my house.
It has 5 in it and lots more to come now that I can conceal carry freely.
I need to find a nice Bear revolver for my wife. Engineer I work with just got MAULED by a brown (grizzly) bear. Just a bit too close to home to think it doesn't happen. |
It happens!, not a lot, but it definitely happens. The one thing I remember most about bears growing up is that they STINK!! This is much more common with the bears that are working the fish creeks, but even the interior bears will roll in their kill. It was an overpowering putrid smell that is hard to miss. Keep your senses about you and pay attention to your surroundings and you usually have nothing to worry about. Problem with firearms is that I think sometimes people get a false sense of security when carrying them. Don't get me wrong, I ALWAYS carry a .357 with 200gr. hardcast handloads, but it's no substitute for good situational awareness. The thing is that most attacks happen so fast that a gun of any type rarely plays a role in the outcome. Unless of course it's being used by a second person. Which I guess is as good a reason as any to get your wife a good pistol, she may have to use it on a bear that's chewing on you
.41 is a nice caliber, I'd have one myself except for the fact that I inherited both .357's I own and don't really expect to have to use them on a bear. _________________