NewAwakenings Rated XXX

Posted: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 09:14:05 Post Subject: |
My reasons for not voting for Bush teh second time around are as bright as people are for voting for him. That 87 billion he gave caused alot of compnaies to go under, and alot of people to lose their jobs. These are people with families. I think that money should have gone here first, after all if we cant take3 care of our own then what the hell kind of country are we. I have never denied the fact I am a liberal democrat, but I know some conservative republicans that are fed up with Bush's shens too... but its all a matter of whats importnat to a person, for me taking care of our own , and not some damn country WE Destroyed in teh first place is more important, and there were many MORE things that cause WWI and WWII... just my opinion _________________ I am the Spam Queen...
OOO Pleeease... Like you were the first person in this place to have him... we've passed him around like a Joint at a frat party! - Dr. EvilCheeze |