Hellfire Rated XXX
Posted: Wed, 06 Sep 2006 13:23:12 Post Subject: |
Yup, have to agree. I hated it because of the cartoony look, immaturity of the players, and the non-social aspects of the players.
I much prefer EQ2 over WoW. In fact, I have about a dozen friends that originally played WoW, left it and came over to EQ2 and are kicking themselves for playing WoW instead of EQ2 at the begining....
I think something about WoW that alot of people don't realize is why it's popular. Sure it's a good game to a point. But as many of us know, most parents are nieve. They see a cartoony game and think nothing of it. So they let the kids play.
Next you have the system requirements which are pretty low, so it doesn't require an investment into a new copmuter to play it.
Just because it has the largest subscriber base, doesn't mean it's the best game out there |