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View Single Post  Topic: VOIP for Professionals (or...those closely resembling them) 
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Rated XXX

PostPosted: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 13:25:00    Post Subject: Reply with quote

Dr. EvilCheeze wrote:
Big Bruin wrote:
you saying the 911 implementation on VoIP is no good?

My office, and many others in the area are all VoIP... They must have done something for that.

I'm saying.. I would NOT risk my life on VoIP 9-1-1. It is not what I would call... "reliable".

Can't say too much more, so just trust me on this. Trust in this order
Land line, Cell Phone, two cans & string, Carrier pigeon, Yelling out windows, message in a bottle, VoIP.

OOO And don't trust any of them but Land line.... The cell phone MIGHT be really good, just depends... so that is sorta unreliable.

Have to agree with EC's first post (might have gone off the deep end on this one)
As good as VoIP can be you need at least one outbound landline for emergencies, and a few inbound to cascade (forward) from the VoIP line should it go down or become overloaded. also FAX machines are not always reliable with VoIP
because of those requirements I would tend to go with a traditional/major business carrier that can offer an integrated package of local service numbers with outbound VoIP, 800 numbers, etc with hardware and broadband service. whatever you might need now and in the future.
skype, vonage, packet 8 aren't going to cut it for a multimillion $ lawfirm
Level 3, verizon,AT&T etc. won't save you as much as a cheapy home brewed solution, but reliablity, QOS and 5 9's uptime SHOULD be alot more important to you

start by researching the industry rags
then consider all your needs, and solict some bids
Replacing your existing PBX isn't going to happen overnight

avoid proprietary equipment, and small time operations, you need a single number/ acct, rep to call should problems arise, with "MAKE IT WORK, NOW!!" language in the contract (financial penalties for ANY downtime)
consider what an hour, half a day or longer without phones/internet/contact would do to your firm and their clients.
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