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View Single Post  Topic: My Opteron 148 OC Experience 
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PostPosted: Tue, 04 Jul 2006 22:28:43    Post Subject: My Opteron 148 OC Experience Reply with quote

I decided to start a thread that I can log exactly which steps I took to OC my new Opteron 148 on my DFI LanParty SLI-DR motherboard. I also want to share this here for any comments, suggestions, questions, etc. I will update this post as I go along.

My setup is the following:
  • DFI LanParty NF4 SLI-DR [official 04/06 bios]
  • AMD Opteron 148 2.2Ghz [CACJE.0604]
  • Thermalright XP90C [Copper CPU Heatsink]
  • GSkill Extreme Series DDR600 TCCD [2x512mb]
  • eVGA 7800gt co 256mb
  • Hitachi 80gb Sata II
  • OCZ Powerstream 520 watt
  • Pioneer 16x Dual Layer DVD Burner

For testing stability and benchmarking I used the following programs:
  • SmartGuardian
  • CPU-Z
  • Clockgen
  • A64 tweaker
  • Aquamark3
  • 3dmark03, 05, 06
  • Everest Home Edition
  • Sisoftware Sandra 2007
  • Memtest [Windows version]
  • Super PI
  • OCCT
  • Prime95

The first thing I did was test the system at stock speeds. It was kinda a challenge at first because the GSkill timings that had worked at ddr600 with my old A64 Venice weren't working with the Opty148. After some searching on DFI-Street and XtremeSystems I found some ram settings posted by the GSkill Technician for the exact motherboard/ram I am using. With these settings in place I did a fresh install of Windows [XP Pro with SP2] and installed the necessary drivers and programs.

200x11 @ 1.4vcore
DDR400 2-2-2-5 @ 2.6vdimm

FSB: 200
LDT: 5
Multi: 11
cpu vid: startup
cpu vid control: 1.400v
cpu vid special: x104%
ldt : 1.2v
chipset: 1.5v
dram: 2.60v
dram +.03v: disable

Dram Frequency Set: 200 (1:1)
CPC: Enable [1T]
Cas: 2
Trcd: 2
Tras: 5
Trp: 2
Trc: 7
Trfc: 13
Trrd: 2
Ter: 2
Twtr: 1
Trwt: 2
Tref: 3684
Dram Bank Interleave: Enable

Dqs Skew Control: Auto
Dqs Skew Value: 0
Dram Drive Strength: 7
Darm Date Drive Strength: 3
Max Async Latency: 6ns
Darm Response: Normal
Read Preamble Time: 4ns
Idlecycle Limit: 256
Dynamic Counter: Enable
R/w Queue Bypass:16
Bypass Max: 7
32 Byte Granularity: Disable

Time to test the stability of the ram; which is the reason for problems I had with stability. I run memtest in windows for 20mins without errors. [previously I got errors within a minute]. Then test 4M Super PI, which causes the program to not respond before, it passes the 32M test as well. Passed OCCT and all Video benchmark tests [Aquamark3, 3DMark03, 05, 06]. Primed 12.5hours.

STOCK Load Temps
CPU: 38-40
Chipset: 46
STOCK Benchmark Scores
Aquamark: 76,003
3dmark03: 14,630
3dmark05: 6,762
3dmark06: 3,300
Sandra Memory: 5,781/5,719
Sandra CPU: 8,012/6,764
Everest read: 5,623
Everest write: 22,96
Everest latency: 46.8

OK, I have found good stable stock settings. Now I will start to find max mhz for the Opteron 148.

I make a few changes to the stock settings in the bios. Changed LDT from 5 to 3; dram from 200mhz to 100mhz.

Start CPU-Z,ClockGen, SmartGuardian, task manager and OCCT. I keep an eye on temps with SG and overall mhz with CPU-Z, watch the 100% load on task manager, start OCCT test. Once I get a 100% load I start upping the FSB/HTT on Clockgen 10mhz at a time and wait for OCCT to not give me an error for at least 30secs. [I chose OCCT because it seems to fail more than superpi and also has a timer already counting for you]

FSB Listed passed at least 30secs of load unless noted:
230??? -restarted system [maybe it didnt like the big jump]
[Temps still good, between 38-41 with load]
262=froze pc
Restart, Change bios FSB to 250; Boot into windows at 250x11 & Resume testing
Upped FSB to 261.87...fails OCCT...looks like max is 2872mhz @ 1.4v [261.1x11]
Restart, Set Bios to 261FSB & 1.425v
Load windows, set fsb to 262 and run OCCT

Passed: 262,263,264
Failed at 265

Bios: FSB 264 & 1.45v
Try 265 again...passes
266 fails

Bios: FSB 265 & 1.475v
Try 266 again...passes
267 fails

Bios: FSB 266 & 1.5v
Try 267 again...failed

I don't want to take it pas 1.5v because I will not run it daily that high. Temps are still decent around 40-43. As of now my max cpu mhz is roughly 2930mhz.

266x11 @ 1.5v*104%
Failed SuperPI 32M

265x11 @ 1.5*104%
Passed SuperPI 32M - 28:40
Passed OCCT
Passed Prime 8hr [large FF]

Benchmark Scores
Aquamark: 81,260
3dmark03: 14,993
3dmark05: 6,756
3dmark06: 3,479

MAX CPU MHZ = 265X11~2915MHZ

Dram Frequency Set: 200 (1:1)
Command Per Clock: Enable
Cas: 2.5
Trcd: 4
Tras: 8
Trp: 4
Trc: 7
Trfc: 13
Trrd: 2
Ter: 2
Twtr: 1~2
Trwt: 2~3
Tref: 3684
Twcl: 1
Dram Bank Interleave: Enable

Dqs Skew Control: Auto
Dqs Skew Value: 0
Dram Drive Strength: 7
Darm Date Drive Strength: 3
Max Async Latency: 8ns
Darm Response: Normal
Read Preamble Time: 5ns
Idlecycle Limit: 256
Dynamic Counter: Enable
R/w Queue Bypass:16
Bypass Max: 7
32 Byte Granularity: Disable

Made a few changes in bios. Started CPU-Z and SG for monitoring, then ram memtest for a few mins. No errors yet. Up FSB up to 305 and I start getting errors. Since I don't plan to use DDR600 with my max cpu I figure max is somewhere between 300-305.

Passed: SuperPI32M, OCCT, 8hr Memtest
Failed Prime testing [blend test] @ 6hr 20min
Benchmark Scores
Aquamark: 75,293
3dmark03: 14,549
3dmark05: 6,757
3dmark06: 3,256

Didn't make my 8hr mark but I figure it's some little timing I'll have to fix, maybe not when I am shooting for 290FSB.


Changed FSB to 290 and multi to 10x...gave dram a little more volts with 2.7v.

290x10 @ 1.5vcore
DDR590 2.5-4-4-8 @ 2.7vdimm
FSB: 290
LDT: 3
Multi: 10
cpu vid: startup
cpu vid control: 1.400v
cpu vid special: x110%
ldt : 1.2v
chipset: 1.5v
dram: 2.70v
dram +.03v: enable

Dram Frequency Set: 200 (1:1)
Command Per Clock: Enable
Cas: 2.5
Trcd: 4
Tras: 8
Trp: 4
Trc: 7
Trfc: 13
Trrd: 2
Ter: 2
Twtr: 1
Trwt: 2
Tref: 3684
Twcl: 1
Dram Bank Interleave: Enable

Dqs Skew Control: Auto
Dqs Skew Value: 0
Dram Drive Strength: 7
Darm Date Drive Strength: 3
Max Async Latency: 8ns
Darm Response: Normal
Read Preamble Time: 5ns
Idlecycle Limit: 256
Dynamic Counter: Enable
R/w Queue Bypass:16
Bypass Max: 7
32 Byte Granularity: Disable

Passed SuperPI32M, OCCT, 3DMarks.
Failed Prime [blend] at 7hr8min

So close to my 8hr mark again...I figure the ram can handle the 290mhz so I tweaked the vcore. 1.4*110%.

Passed SuperPI32M, OCCT, 8hr Prime [blend]

FINAL Benchmark Scores
SuperPI32M: 25min 57sec
Aquamark: 88,843
3dmark03: 15,376
3dmark05: 6,917
3dmark06: 3,498
Sandra Memory: 7,616/7,610
Sandra CPU: 10,516/8,880
Everest Read: 7,521
Everest Write: 2,496
Everest latency: 39.5ns

July 5 6:55am - updated stock benchmarks and prime length
July 5 6:15pm - updated full stock settings & added finding max cpu section
July 5 10:45pm - testing max stable cpu mhz [SuperPI 32M Passed] currently at 265x11 @ 1.5*104%
July 6 8:40am - updated end of max cpu mhz, found max cpu at 2915mhz
July 6 8:30pm - started max ram section...Testing DDR600
July 7 8:55am - Ram stable at DDR600 2.5-4-4-8 test started
July 8 12:00pm - 8hr prime blend test failed at 7hr 8min. Lowered vcore to 1.4*110%. Currently doing superpi, occt, prime.
July 8 9:00pm - Found stable OC of 2900mhz DDR590 - Updated final benchmarks and final OC settings

Last edited by Modulok on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 21:48:16; edited 23 times in total
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