ury2ok2000 Rated PG

Posted: Sun, 28 May 2006 13:27:58 Post Subject: From x700pro to 7600gt |
I know there are several reviews out there for the 7600gt and i have done a lot of reading on them. I was just wondering how much of an upgrade i will see if i go to a 7600gt. I would prefer the 7900gt but my plan is to upgrade everything around when vista comes out next year so no need to lay down all the major bucks. Anyone out there made a similar upgrade? Also I am curious if a 27" hdtv used as a computer monitor is considered Wide Screen or not and what would be the ideal resolution to use the 7600gt with it? I would think 1200 X (i never remember the second number) or maby 1024 X ()? Anyway thanks for any help in the matter. |