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View Single Post  Topic: Some things I've learned in life... 
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PostPosted: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 19:45:33    Post Subject: Some things I've learned in life... Reply with quote

These are all things I've learned over my time on this planet. -By Robert Preston - knight0334

1. Trust your friend that says "just trust me", but look for an escape route.
2. Any guy your woman meets after you and her have met is out to get in her pants. ...along with any guy from before.
3. If you're having problems fixing something, take a 4LB sledgehammer to it.. that way you'll have to buy a new unit and save yourself some cash, hassle and bloody knuckles.
4. Buy American made, by an American company.. The "Trickle Down" theory isn't a theory anymore.. its law. When you buy a foreign made car, the money goes overseas to the costs of production there and the remaining dollars goes into the companies pockets. I dont wanna hear you b!tch because theres no jobs, Americans that buy foreign are the reason. If you would have purchased a Ford, GM or Dodge, you would have helped pay the wage of a PA/WV steelmill worker. ...which would have purchased his goods at your store. ...with that steelmill worker out of a job, he isn't buying anything from YOU. Think about that next time you buy a new car.
5. Cats have very sharp claws, dont p!ss them off..
6. Computer stability is dependant on: 1% hardware, 1% operating system, 20% junk software, and 78% stupid user.
7. Guns are to blame for murder just as much as Ford is to blame for drunk driving. It takes an idiot to drink then drive, just as much as it takes an idiot to wield a weapon in a dangerous manner.
8. Animals are creatures of this planet just like us, except they taste good.
9. Whenever you're filling out a report or spreadsheet on a PC, hit "Save" after each entry.
10. Political parties should be banned.. there are good Democrats and good Republicans, but also bad of each. There are too many people blindly voting conservative or liberal without investigating the crooks they put into office. If the party system is banned, each person would have to investigate the candidates so see if they are worth their vote.
11. I've learned that those who need welfare cant get it, and those abusing the system seem to be able to milk it out for all its worth.
12. I feel that if you haven't worked a day in your life, you should not be able to draw from the Social Security fund. That fund is paid for from attachments to our wages. It is supposed to be invested by our government so it can earn interest. I then should be drawing from MY investment. If you dont invest, then there shouldn't be anything for you to draw from. If the government feels a person should have assistance, then it should come from some other fund-not OUR Social Security.
13. I've learned that a gaping wound hurts less then a paper cut. I once fell face first on an old tent stake. It went through my cheek and knocked out two teeth and bled for quite some time, but it didn't hurt as much as the paper cut I got today.
14. I've learned that the shut off notice date for my cable/internet is quite accurate. ..dont forget to pay your bills.
15. I've learned that when a bill collecting lawyer says he'll sue and lay claim to your house, that a threat of a burn permit and a pile of ashes makes them back off so you can figure out how to catch up on things.
16. I've learned that there are people in this country that should be packed up and shipped out.
17. I've learned that if I'm gonna pick a fight, it will be against a bigger guy. Its the wirey thin guys you gotta watch out for..
18. I've learned there are thieves everywhere now..
19. I've learned that the police aren't the a$$holes I once thought they were, it was me that was the a$$hole. Nearly all of those who get clubbed with a nightstick should have also been shot. They should thank the officer for the beating instead of the bullet wound for their infraction.
20. I've learned that its impossible to write something and not find typos afterwards.

Last edited by knight0334 on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 22:13:00; edited 4 times in total
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