Puddin Rated NC-17
Posted: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 18:14:40 Post Subject: |
yup my perfect world. All i am saying is that for a President that makes Tax Cuts, then Decides to spend more money.... Man thats a really smart friggan move.. Commen sense would dicate thats 1 thing you would not do.
Sadam was a son of a b!%@#, if his Daddy had finished what he started we wouldn;t be here, so then after 9-11 he coulld finish what his Daddy started.
I just Don't liek Bush's " I do what i want and i don;t care abotu Congress or what the world thinks" mentality. Cause after he stepped on everyone's toes about IRAQ he then goes back to the UN and Says... I need your help, afetr i Told you you can eat my a$$.
He called for the Passing of the Patriot Act, which most argued broke many Constitutional admednments EVEN the REpublicans said that, then when people voted against it he called them " Unpatriotic" and "Un American" Thats some *s#!7. Bush is a Mini Dictator, He loves power, He loves it, he lives for it, and now he has 4 more yreas of it, with no worry abotu re-election.... I winder what he will do now, especiall with all the crap he pulled when he knew he had to be re-elected.
Hes not the worst president we have ever had, hes nto the best, and i am not saying John Kerry would be better, but neither of em belong in office _________________