NewAwakenings Rated XXX

Posted: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 22:25:45 Post Subject: |
trekrider wrote: | I think the Democrates will fight tooth and nail for everything they can get......they have lost considerable ground (as far as loosing seats in both houses not to mention the White House AND the House Minority Leader) and will use the fillabuster option to their advantage at every opertunity.
I also think that the general Democratic population still feel as strongly as ever that the Republican lead government is STILL on the wrong path, to the extent that they will not budge an inch and claim that the Republicans are the stubborn ones. |
I am a strong democrat and I have no haste.. am I fearful of Bush having another 4 years ?? yes.. he has alot to prove!! Am I bitter nope.. no reason to be!! Bush is no better then any of the other ones, he lies, keeps secrets, and talk with his head up his butt all the time!!! This country will never be united until democrats and republicans can admitt their faults and utilize each other for the better of the country. Both sides have strong points and weak points on certain subjects.. here is a concept, both combine and work together and make this country the BEST it can be!!!! Let the leaders start.. the country WILL follow!!! _________________ I am the Spam Queen...
OOO Pleeease... Like you were the first person in this place to have him... we've passed him around like a Joint at a frat party! - Dr. EvilCheeze |