T-shirt Rated XXX
Posted: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 19:35:04 Post Subject: |
NewAwakenings wrote: |
I am not so sure about that... no matter how slight his wound at least Kerry actually faught in a war.. he knows what it is like to risk you life for something.... funny how none ever remembers seeing Bush even show up for guard duty... .. I don't believe that those documents were real.. but what I do beleive is that Bush pussied his way out of serving his time....  |
I don't think any intelligent person questions Kerry's service, wounds (multiple), or medals (the awards met the standards for officers at the time)
there is still much anger at the fact he came back and spoke out about what he had seen and heard about happening. some of that was the politician in him (often 'spun' to make his point) and some his conscience for what he felt for his actions.
To speak out, against his training, and the pressure from (navel) peers for what he then felt, took great courage and commitment.
Bush obviously chose military service through the TANG (Texas Air National Guard) and started very successfully. (some end parts are still in question)
neither deserved the attacks on their records. That has little to do with their current actions.
both groups promoting the attacks, may have felt it was the right thing to do, but have polluted an already high partisan politically scene.
CBS and Rather both committed an unpardonably faux pas in an attempt to create news. While they were misled they failed basic journalistic skills (even though I believe the basic reports on bush's service, from other sources)
Rather should resign and CBS should recuse itself for further "in depth" reports for the remainder of the political season. (losing a few billion should make them a little more careful) |