NewAwakenings Rated XXX

Posted: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 15:03:29 Post Subject: |
Dr. EvilCheeze wrote: | Pfft... If Kerry get's in, we'll get more attacks against us, and we'll have more of our troops die.
Like or not Bush... he is decisive in military matters. No waiting for the polls to tell him what to do. And THAT is what a leader is about. While I would much rather have different choices, Kerry is the worst choice, because of his constant mixed messages, and actions. That get's people killed. |
Ohh and Bush has done so well over there thus far... HEll Bush doesnt even knwo why the hell he is over there... we'll he may know but he sure as hell is lieing to us about why we even started over there to begin with. And sure lets keep Bush in.. so we can spen millions more ... economy can get worse, Bush can claim to be producing so many more jobs, what he neglects to tell you is they are a McDonalds for $6.50 an hour.....
I dont like Kerry, and I HATE BUSH.... its definately the lesser of 2 evils  _________________ I am the Spam Queen...
OOO Pleeease... Like you were the first person in this place to have him... we've passed him around like a Joint at a frat party! - Dr. EvilCheeze |