Charlie DeathStar

Joined: 24 Sep 2003 Posts: 10801 Location: Orlando, FL
Posted: Tue, 25 May 2010 17:08:24 Post Subject: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Gone Mobile |
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney for the iPhone and iPod touch is now available via Apple's App Store, Capcom announced. In the game, you play as Phoenix Wright, the rookie defense lawyer new to the scene with the wildest cross-examination skills in town. Prove your seemingly guilty client's innocence, no matter how dire the circumstances through five intriguing cases. You will collect evidence, survey crime scenes, weed through inconsistent testimonies, and overcome corrupt agendas to ensure that justice prevails. New to the iPhone version is a new flick interface that takes full advantage of the platform’s touch screen. Now players can now manipulate, reference and organize evidence with a flick of the finger.
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