~*77*~ Xenophobe

Joined: 08 Apr 2003 Posts: 10466 Location: Sshh... I'm Hiding
Posted: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 08:18:06 Post Subject: Mikhailtech August 2007 Giveaway - Over $900 in Prizes! |
Quote: | Title: Mikhailtech August 2007 Giveaway - Over $900 in Prizes!
Welcome to the Mikhailtech August 2007 Giveaway. This month marks our largest giveaway ever - over $900 in computer hardware prizes!! Our first premier sponsor Kingston is going to hook you up with several dual channel kits of HyperX DDR2, totaling 6GB and including some of the world's fastest RAM, PC-9600 (1200MHz)!! Our second premier sponsor Brando is giving away an assortment of items including a universal solar charger, a USB mini fridge, a 55-in-1 Bluetooth card reader/USB hub, a USB missile launcher, and more! Also sponsoring the giveaway is Noctua with a couple of their low noise fan kits and XtracPads giving away a Ripper XXL mouse pad. All in all, we have 12 individual prizes up for grabs totaling more than $900. Keep reading for the exact prizes and how you can win. There's almost nothing to it!
Link: http://www.mikhailtech.com/content/view/229/28/
Image: http://www.mikhailtech.com/images/articles/contests/2007-08/2007-08-logo.jpg |