~*77*~ Xenophobe

Joined: 08 Apr 2003 Posts: 10466 Location: Sshh... I'm Hiding
Posted: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 06:41:07 Post Subject: AZiO Levetron GM533U Gaming Mouse |
Choosing a gaming mouse nowadays can be rather difficult. Especially with the many compelling options and special features offered by multiple manufacturers. Above everything, a gaming mouse must be comfortable, durable, have programmable buttons, and a reasonable dpi range. Most modern mice come with extra features such as wireless functionality, adjustable weight, customizable lighting, and even onboard memory for button profiles.That being said, a particular model may tick all the boxes, and still be imperfect. There is a certain X factor when it comes to mice and other gaming peripherals; it just has to suit the individual using it. As a result, this article will necessarily be somewhat subjective. benchmarkreviews.com |