Posted: July 09, 2003 Author: Jason Kohrs Manufacturer: Quiet PC Source: Quiet PC
Sometimes you come across a product that just seems so simple, that you wonder one of two things... 1) Why hasn’t anyone brought this product to market previously? or 2) Is there really a need to bring this product to market? The QuietFeet Vibration Isolation Feet from Quiet PC might make one wonder about both questions posed above, so this review is intended to show you exactly what the necessity was behind the release of this product.
In case you are unfamiliar with them, Quiet PC is an international company whose focus is on reducing or eliminating noise from your computer. They offer a select line of high-quality, noise eliminating computer products aimed at helping “you be more productive, comfortable, and healthy!”
The QuietFeet are one of the newest additions to the Quiet PC catalog of products, and despite their simplicity, they are also one of the more unique products they offer. Basically, the QuietFeet are hemispherical knobs with an adhesive backing intended to be installed under a computer chassis, external drive, TIVO unit, or any other device that one may find appropriate. For a description of exactly what they are intended to do, please read this quote taken from the QuietFeet product page on the Quiet PC website...
“QuietFeet are designed for maximum absorption efficiency and damping of unwanted audible vibration. Computer noise can be transmitted through the feet of your computer and be amplified by whatever surface your computer is sitting on. If you have your computer sitting on a desk, the computer shelf under the desk or hard floor (not carpeted) for example, the vibrations from your hard drives, CD ROM/DVD ROM, fans and other noisy components travel right through the chassis and poorly-designed computer feet into the surface of whatever the computer is sitting on. If the surface where your computer is located is a 'resonant' surface such as a wooden floor or desk, the vibrations are acoustically amplified by the resonant surface the same way the strings of a guitar are amplified by the wooden body of the guitar.”
Basic physics really... Even if you didn’t do well in your physics class, the principal behind the development of the QuietFeet should be clear enough. In order to provide a QuietFoot solution for various sizes of components, Quiet PC offers the QuietFeet in three sizes, Micro, Standard, and Heavy Duty. The features of the three sizes are detailed below, along with pictures showing the QuietFeet with either a US dime or US fifty cent piece, for size comparison.
4Size: Micro 4Diameter: 3/4” 4Quantity per pack: 4 QuietFeet 4Price per pack: $8.95 (US) 4Supported weight: 2-5 lbs. per QuietFoot 4Max weight per kit: 20 lbs. 4Material of construction: Proprietary visco-elastic polymer 4Non-marking felt dot included?: NO
4Size: Standard 4Diameter: 1-1/4” 4Quantity per pack: 4 QuietFeet 4Price per pack: $12.95 (US) 4Supported Weight: 5-10 lbs. per QuietFoot 4Max weight per kit: 40 lbs. 4Material of construction: Proprietary visco-elastic polymer 4Non-marking felt dot included?: YES
4Size: Heavy Duty 4Diameter: 2” 4Quantity per pack: 4 QuietFeet 4Price per pack: $19.95 (US) 4Supported Weight: 10-15 lbs. per QuietFoot 4Max weight per kit: 60 lbs. 4Material of construction: Proprietary visco-elastic polymer 4Non-marking felt dot included?: YES
The QuietFeet arrived as pictured in the below left image. Nothing fancy, just a ziploc bag to contain each set of QuietFeet, all of which were packaged into a plain cardboard box. Quiet PC was nice enough to send over one set of each size for review, from left to right: Heavy Duty, Standard, and Micro. In the below right image you can get an idea of each size’s diameter as compared to a US dime, as well as getting a glimpse of the felt pad included on the Standard and Heavy Duty QuietFeet.
Each QuietFoot, regardless of size, is composed of the same “proprietary visco-elastic polymer”, which may not describe much about it to you, so let me try to clarify the composition... Each black hemisphere has the same consistency, and although they appear to be dense rubber, they are fairly soft and highly compressible. They are also highly elastic... you can squeeze a QuietFoot as hard you want and they spring right back into shape (as pictured in the below left image). Another physical feature, unrelated to its functionality, is that the exposed surfaces are very sticky. As pictured in the below right image, it just grabs onto any smooth surface it comes into contact with. The felt dot provided on the two larger sizes may be there to prevent marks, but it will also prevent the QuietFeet from grabbing onto any hard surfaces.
Now that I’ve taken a look at the Quiet Feet themselves, its time to find applications for them. Please read on to page two for the installation and conclusion... Next
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